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Select Your Vehicle Choose part type | Cheap Original Tail Light/Lamp Assemblies (OEM Used)Auto Parts Locator ![]()
The Best in Used TaillightsWhen you're deciding to purchase a used part, there's one surefire way to ensure that your repair goes off with a hitch: make it an OEM part. OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. And when you purchase this type of part, it means that you're receiving the exact part you're replacing, so the fit and functionality is never in question. OEM will make your life a whole lot easier, especially on a part like used taillights. Taillights are definitely important parts on your car or truck. Depending on the model of car you have, your taillights can house the actual rear light for nighttime, your brake lights, and even your turn signal. A model like a late 90s Ford Taurus, for example, has a larger taillight configuration than a Chevy Malibu - but, obviously, their function is equally important. When you're in the market for taillights, save some time and money by stopping in at AutoPartsLocator.com to check out our massive selection of OEM used taillights. We're able to provide any type of taillight needed for any type of car or truck built later than 1991. We deal directly with the nation's largest salvage yard network. Over 200 high-end yards pull only the best taillights from hundreds of thousands of automobiles, and we're able to offer them to you at rock-bottom prices. Not only are our prices low, but they literally cannot be beat throughout the entire industry. We take steps to ensure that they can't. With our 30-day low price guarantee, you have a month to make sure that the taillights you purchased from us were the lowest possible price. If you happen to find the same set sold elsewhere for a lower price, tell us about it. If they're offering the same warranty and quality features, we'll pay you the difference instantly. Speaking of quality, we pull no punches there either. We're willing to stand behind every set of OEM used taillights with an ironclad warranty. While other companies scramble and look for ways to avoid giving warranties on used parts, we're attaching a warranty of up to three years on every part we have in stock. Feel free to browse our extensive catalogs via our user-friendly site. Auto Parts Locator holds true to our name by giving you access to a unique and easy-to-use drop-bar menu. You can find whatever you need for whatever type of car you drive. We just do things better than our competitors.